Whale Valley is where you can find whales.
This area is well-known for the large number of fossils that can be found here. At Egypt’s Fayoum Governorate, in the westernmost part of the desert. The region known as Fayoum Governorate may be found in Egypt. It is one of the most well-known places for tourists to visit in Fayoum, comparable to Wady Rayan and Tunis Village.
The Egyptians used to call it “Wadi Al Hitan.”
There is a good chance that many fossils from the extinct Archaeoceti whale suborder will be discovered at this paleontological site. An important find indeed, assuming this is what has been learned—the current location of the United States of America.
It is widely acknowledged as one of the century’s most significant scientific breakthroughs. For a citation, see [Citation required]. This book is a fascinating exploration of evolution, focusing on whales’ transition from land animals to marine mammals. [Cite]
The fossils show that these organisms lost limbs before transitioning from terrestrial to aquatic life. Their metamorphosis occurred before losing limbs and when the region was completely submerged.
Basilosaurus was a dinosaur that lived in Pakistan, Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia. It was terrestrial, not aquatic, and moved about its surroundings by walking. The fossilized remains were discovered in Pakistan by an American paleontologist, and that’s where we found the evidence.
Fossils in the Whale Valley vary from 40 million to 50 million years old. Wadi Hitan was a part of the oceanic plate during the time in question, and some fossils date back to when Whale Valley was on the marine tectonic plate.
The Tethys Sea was situated to the north during this period, while the Mediterranean Sea was located to the south.
Every year, new artifacts are unearthed in Whale Valley that call for more excavation to be carried out.
The discoveries are said to be fascinating and mind-boggling to those individuals who have never been to a museum. Paleontologists share the same sentiment: the findings are intriguing and mind-boggling.
Due to the nation’s stunning geography, Egypt is now seeing a rise in the number of visitors visiting the country. Everyone who comes will have an experience that sticks with them and is difficult to forget.